Friday, November 12, 2010

Bottled Water

This is a picture of a spilled water bottle.Image via Wikipedia It’s so convenient to buy a big bulk of 24 bottles water bottles, so every time before you head out the door, all you have to do is grab a bottle. And not to mention, it taste so much better than faucet (we’ll this is what most people say). But you don’t have to keep buying water bottle after water bottle.

To keep a little change in your pocket it would be smart to:
-refill the water bottle that you already bought with faucet water once you are finished.
-Purchase a water jug/bottle that you can use again
-Purchase a Brita Filter

Doing at least one of these three things will not only help to money in your pocket, but it is also a great benefit to the environment. Instead of buying so many plastic water bottles you can just keep refilling the one you bought at the beginning of the week or the plastic jug that you already have hidden in you kitchen cabinet. Then this helps to keep you from running to the vending machine when you need another bottle of water.

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