Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to decide which bills should be paid first

Libyan bills
It seems like every time we pay any of our bills, they're do again as soon as we know it.  But what happens when we're short on funds?  Which bills should we be focused on paying first?  Know one I know seems to be sure of this, so I thought we could explore this together.  Here's what I came up with.

Many bills, such as your gas and electric, can wait to be paid (unless you're EXTREMELY far behind).  Utility companies are not going to shut off your utilities if you fall behind a payment.  However, I wouldn't advise skipping the bill completely.  If you don't have the full amount, pay a smaller portion of the bill.  This way, you won't fall behind a whole payment.

When it comes to your credit, it's easier to ruin it than to keep it.  Pay the bills that will immediately effect your credit score, such as car payments and credit cards.  Falling behind a couple of payments can severely ruin your credit.  KEEP IT SAFE!

Your grocery bills can sometimes seem a little high.  To avoid this, use coupons, shop on double coupon days and of course, plan your meals ahead of time.  Knowing what you want before entering the store will help you avoid impulse shopping.

And if your low on money for the month, follow simple rules.  Pack a lunch, make dinner and don't waste money going out.  Every penny saved is another dollar earned. 

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